
Donation? Which Fund?

You have a few options as to where you may donate. Shriners Hospitals for Children is our charity. Two other funds that go to the hospitals are the $100 Million Dollar Club and Hospital Transportation Funds. All three of these are generally tax deductible. The Dime-A-Day and the General Funds are generally not tax deductible.   Be sure to check with your tax professional.

Shriners Hospitals for Children

Donations made to Shriners Hospitals for Children go directly to the hospital of choice. Currently, Nile supports two hospitals in our area – Portland and Spokane.

If you would like more information, go to our Shriners Hospitals for Children page.

If you would like to make a donation to either of these hospitals, send your check made out to Shriners Hospitals for Children to: 

Nile Shriners
6601 – 244th St SW
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

Be sure to write in the check’s memo field which hospital you would like it to go to or simply send a note along with the check. Feel free to make it in memory of someone special to you.

You will receive a Thank You note from the Nile Recorder and your name will appear in the next Smile with Nile newsletter.

Hospital donations can also be made directly to Shriners Hospitals for Children, but please keep in mind that if they do not go through the Nile Office, you will not receive a Thank You card from us and your name will not appear in the next Smile with Nile newsletter or be posted to this website. We just don’t have a way to know that you made the donation.

Hospital Transportation/Travel Fund

The Nile Shriners raise money for the transportation of our patients for their hospital appointments. Many Shriners take an active part in helping children by sponsoring them for treatment, volunteering in the hospitals or fund raising. Local Shrine Clubs hold admission clinics each year as well.

You too can be a part of this mission by donating to this fund. Make your check out to Nile Shriners Travel Fund and mail it to:

Nile Shriners
6601 – 244th St SW
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

$100 Million Dollar Club

Help build a treasury of better futures with your gift.

Shriners Hospitals for Children ® is a system of 22 hospitals in North America dedicated to treating children with orthopaedic problems and burn injuries. There are 18 orthopaedic hospitals, three burn hospitals and one hospital that provides orthopaedic, burn care and spinal cord injury care. The mission is carried out without regard to race, color, creed, sex, or sect, disability, national origin, or ability of a patient or family to pay.

Since the founding of Shriners Hospitals for Children in 1922, about $12 billion has been spent to provide quality and compassionate medical care to nearly a million children with orthopaedic problems, severe burn injuries or spinal cord injuries. Most of these services are paid for by the Shriners Hospital for Children endowment fund.

Without this fund, Shriners Hospitals for Children would not be able to ensure optimum and compassionate patient care. In order to meet the needs of thousands of children in need of the expert are Shriners Hospitals for Children provide, the endowment fund must continue to grow during these times of increasing costs of medical care.

Since approximately 90 percent of the annual Shriners Hospitals for Children operating budget will be spent in direct support of the 22 hospitals, your gift to its endowment fund is a gift to one of the world’s “purest” philanthropies.

Dime-A-Day (DAD) Fund

Nile Shriners shall maintain a fund, henceforth known as Nile Shriners Maintenance and Improvement Fund. Said fund shall consist of gifts made to Nile Shriners under the name of “DAD” (Dime A Day), for specific purposes to repair, maintain, restore and/or replace Nile Shrine buildings and furnishings. In no event shall the monies be used to pay for regular operating expenses of the Temple or for funding of new capital investments. Expenditures from the fund may only be made with the majority consent of the Nobility when presented to them at a Stated or Special Meeting.

If you are interested in making a donation to the DAD Fund, please make checks payable to Nile Shriners DAD Fund and mail to:

Nile Shriners
6601 – 244th St SW
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

You will receive a thank you card from the Nile Recorder and your name will be published in the next Smile with Nile newsletter.

General Fund

Donations made to the General Fund go into an account to be used by Nile for whatever is needed. A membership vote is not required. Please make checks payable to Nile Shriners, add in the memo field on your check "General Fund" and mail to:

Nile Shriners
6601 – 244th St SW
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

You will receive a thank you card from the Nile Recorder and your name will be published in the next Smile with Nile newsletter.




6601 - 244th St SW
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00-2:00

We Love Our Kids

Through the generosity of donors like you, we've been able to help more than 1.3 million children reach their potential and lead more fulfilling lives, regardless of the families' ability to pay. Make your gift today to help Shriners Childrens® provide life-changing care to our children who need your help.

#19 Bar & Grill: 425-774-9611 x206
Golf Pro Shop: 425-776-5154 x512
Nile Shrine Center Administrative and Fraternal Offices: 425-774-9611 x 201
Patient Support Information, Shriners Hospitals & patient travel 425-774-9611 x 207
Catering: 425-774-9611, ext. 411
Nile Shrine Membership: 425-774-9611 x 213

Nile Shrine Center
6601 - 244th St SW
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

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