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We Love Our Kids

Through the generosity of donors like you, we've been able to help more than 1.3 million children reach their potential and lead more fulfilling lives, regardless of the families' ability to pay. Make your gift today to help Shriners Childrens® provide life-changing care to our children who need your help.

#19 Bar & Grill: 425-774-9611 x206
Golf Pro Shop: 425-776-5154 x512
Nile Shrine Center Administrative and Fraternal Offices: 425-774-9611 x 201
Patient Support Information, Shriners Hospitals & patient travel 425-774-9611 x 207
Catering: 425-774-9611, ext. 411
Nile Shrine Membership: 425-774-9611 x 213

Nile Shrine Center
6601 - 244th St SW
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

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